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Share your story campaign

Exposing the power behind our stories through our social media channels and "Leaders TODAY" program with a focus on self-esteem, empathy, advocacy and rising above fear.


Our Share Your Story Campaign provides empowering opportunities and a "Leader Today" program to expose the impact our stories have, when shared with the world. The Share Your Story Campaign, originally began in 2014 when our Founder, Ashley Kulikowski became an advocate for the 110,000 individuals within our region battling Epilepsy and all who battle fear due to her personal connection. While Ashley felt alone and suffered with depression, the amplification from stories of resilience gave her hope that now started a chain reaction, of founding Fearless Movement and impacting 10,000 individuals yearly within 18 counties in the Tri-State area and eight U.S States.

It is our primary goal through our media campaign and "Leaders Today" program to empower individuals across the nation to have empathy for themselves and one another by sharing real life, relatable stories. Although, in order to obtain the human quality of empathy, Fearless Movement believes it is crucial to provide action steps and resources on how to rise above fear and build self-esteem.

free Services and Opportunities

Leaders TODAY Program:

  • Workshops and Assemblies (In-Person or Virtually): In order to see change within your community, we need to build Leaders, TODAY. Through our interactive keynote and activities, our community learns tangible tools to rise above their everyday fears, build self-esteem, have empathy and the confidence to share their stories. Whether that is through social media, advocacy or in every day conversations, this program has proven that real life stories empower those of all ages to rise above fear, build self-esteem, and have empathy for one another. Once our community unites over our commonality of fear and discover the impact of their voice, it will become a catalyst for change as we share our stories.

  • Mentorships: Connecting individuals with leaders within the community who have ignited change, discovered the power of their voice and battled with and overcame similar hardships as the mentee.

  • Fearless Student Leadership Team/Club: Providing a curriculum to schools and community based organizations to build a team or club, of student leaders advocating for local change through volunteerism, philanthropy, and more.

Media Campaign

  • Highlights: Through our media channel campaigns of amplifying voices from many different backgrounds of all ages, the impact has started empowering conversations, igniting change that lasts internally and externally within our community such as self-development, understanding, and provides calls to action with the proper resources.

  • Real Convo's on the Couch: Social Media short-video series of interviews with leaders and our community members. In every causal interview, we have a conversation on a common, fearful topic that many steer away from due to the lack of comfort it could bring. The conversations revolve around many fears from diverse backgrounds. It's our goal to provide tools on how to rise above this fear, ignite change and most importantly, normalize "Making real issues, comfortable to talk about." If we do not normalize transparency and uncomfortable conversations, a societal change will never be made. To view our Instagram TV, click here.

Ways to get involved

There are many ways to get involved: 


Become a Community Partner to help us provide this FREE program!

Share with us why you would like to bring advocacy to an issue you believe is important through the Media and we will look into how we can better serve our communities.

Share Your Story with Fearless Movement's team.

Repost and like our Social Spotlights and Real Convo's on the Couch on Facebook and Instagram

Build a community of Leaders, TODAY by booking a virtual or in-person workshop for your school, church, hospital, community-based organization.

Start a Fearless Student Leadership Team/Club at your school or community-based organization, with Fearless Movement.

Become a Mentor or Mentee

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact us below!


If you have any questions, please contact us below. 

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